In this section you will find a modern version of the family tree that you can zoom and pan to focus on the section that you want. The tree is now rather large and complex so has been broken down into several pages. You will also find indices sorted by both name and date of birth.
At the time of writing - mid-December 2020 - the information is all Norfolk-centric despite the raw data having some other locations coming up. We are confident of the Norfolk lineage from a George Inkson who was born at some point in the first decade of the 18th century. He is referred to here as George b. ABT 1710 although some researchers report that he was born in 1704. It is his tree that opens first when you select the Norfolk Inksons below.
When on a tree, use your mouse wheel or equivalent to zoom in and out and use left click [you will see a 'ripple' around your pointer] and then drag to move the diagram about. There are up and
down arrows to move between sets of generations. There is also a search button on each page which searches on that page. Please note that there is a reduced menu button on the trees : you can either go to the family HQ page or come back here.
Some but not, by any means, all of the individuals on the page - as shown by a golden halo around the image are clickable links. Clicking on any of those will open a new tab on your browser and take you to the most appropriate page for that person.
These are the start of indices of all persons to be found on this domain. Years of birth are approximate in many cases. At this early stage, only Inksons are being indexed and only known Inksons up to 1799 are included so far. If you know of others, please let us know.
A link in the final columns will take you to the primary page for that person.